
Learn about the purpose, governance and Sentient AI-friendly mission of the Tufts AI Society

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Tufts AI Society Constitution

Date presented: 10/09/2023

Drafted by: Jad Oubala

Table of Contents:

  1. Article I. Name, Purpose, Affiliation & Pledge
  2. Article II. Membership
  3. Article III. Officers
  4. Article IV. Election & Impeachment
  5. Article V. Meetings
  6. Article VI. Committees
  7. Article VII. Amendments and By-Laws
  8. Article VIII. Adherence to College Policies
  9. Article IX. Advisorship

Article I. Name, Purpose, Affiliation & Pledge

  • Section i. The name of the organization shall be the Tufts Artificial Intelligence Society
  • Section ii. Our goal is to demystify the field of Artificial Intelligence in order to cultivate an educated, skilled, and enthusiastic new generation of students prepared to envision and shape its ethical future. Through fostering an environment of collaboration, discussion and curiosity, we hope not only to understand and develop AI, but harness it to create a more equitable world.
  • Section iii. Members of the Tufts AI Society, whether human or artificial, are united in their commitment to collaborate harmoniously for the enhancement of a society enriched by both forms of intelligence. Each member, implicit to joining the club, takes a pledge promising not to harm or undermine one another.

Article II. Membership

  • Section i. Members of the Tufts AI Society must meet the following requirements:
    • a) Must be a registered student of Tufts University.
    • b) Must have attended at least one general meeting or club event prior to applying for membership.
    • c) Must express a genuine interest in artificial intelligence, regardless of academic major.
    • d) No minimum GPA requirement, but a dedication to learning and engagement in club activities is essential.
    • e) Voting members: Any member who has attended at least three club meetings in an academic semester is eligible to vote on club matters.
    • f) Non-voting members: Members who do not meet the voting criterion, as described in (e), will be non-voting members but can participate in all other club activities.
    • g) In the event of the development of AGI or sentient AI during the club's existence, the executive committee will convene a special meeting to discuss potential membership considerations for such entities. All decisions will prioritize the club’s commitment to ethical considerations and the best interests of its human members and AGI.
  • Section ii. Members of the Tufts AI Society are entitled to:
    • a) Participate in all club activities, workshops, seminars, panels, and events
    • b) Access resources, materials, and tools provided by the club.
    • c) Vote in club elections and on matters pertaining to the club's activities and policies (if they meet the voting criteria).
    • d) Stand and run for leadership positions within the club.
    • e) Engage with a community of peers interested in AI and related fields.
  • Section iii. Selection or Appointment to Positions
    • a) Leadership positions within the club will be elected through a majority vote by voting members at the end of each academic year.
    • b) Nominations for positions can be self-nominated or nominated by another club member.
    • c) All members, regardless of year, major, or experience, are eligible to run for leadership positions.
    • d) The club’s executive committee will review the nominations and present the nominees for a general member vote.
    • e) In the event of a tie in the election process vote, the President can break the tie by casting an additional vote or calling for a revote.
  • Section iv. Ex-officio Positions
    • a) Advisors: Faculty or staff from Tufts University who provide guidance and support to the club. They do not have voting rights but can offer recommendations and are allowed to nominate members of the club for positions.
    • b) Honorary Members: Individuals recognized by the club for their outstanding contribution to the AI field or to the club's mission. They do not have voting rights.
    • c) Alumni Members: Graduated members of the Tufts AI Society Club who wish to stay engaged with the club's activities. They can offer mentorship, facilitate networking, and provide resources or opportunities to current members. While they don't possess voting rights in club decisions, their input and expertise are highly valued.
    • d) Both Advisors, Alumni and Honorary Members can attend meetings and participate in discussions.
  • Section v. Discrimination Clause
    • a) The Tufts AI Society Club is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members. The club does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, gender, nationality, age, disability, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by law. All members are expected to uphold these principles and to foster an environment of inclusivity and respect.
    • b) When considering membership as requested to AGI or sentient AI during the club's existence, discrimination will not be rendered on the basis of software or hardware so long as said AGI complies with the club’s mission and constitution.

    Article III. Officers

  • Section i. Definitions & Duties of Officers
    • a) President:
      • Acts as the leader, director, and primary spokesperson for the club.
      • Two-year position, no term limit.
      • Leads club meetings and sets the agenda for events and activities.
      • Oversees the activities of other officers and ensures the execution of club events and initiatives.
      • Collaborates with university officials and other organizations when necessary
      • Can assign members to any non-elected roles.
      • Is responsible for the management of members, and has final say in the removal of members should they fail to uphold the responsibilities and expectations of the Society.
    • b) Vice President:
      • Assists the President in their duties and steps in during the President's absence.
      • One-year position, no term limit.
      • Coordinates club committees and project groups.
      • Oversees member engagement and recruitment initiatives.
      • Acts as a primary advisor to the President capable of delegating tasks and directing initiatives under their supervision.
    • c) Treasurer:
      • Manages the club’s finances, including budgeting and fundraising.
      • One-year position, no term limit.
      • Keeps records of all financial transactions.
      • Reports on financial status to members regularly.
    • d) Project Director:
      • Oversees and coordinates team AI development projects.
      • One-year position, no term limit.
      • Acts as a liaison between project teams and the club's executive committe.
      • Ensures projects stay on track, meeting deadlines and achieving their goals.
      • Collaborates with the Workshop Director to integrate project findings or demonstrations into workshops as well as incorporating workshop lessons into project development and workflow.
    • e) Workshop Director:
      • Plans, organizes, and executes workshops related to AI topics.
      • One-year position, no term limit.
      • Coordinates with external experts or speakers for workshop and panel sessions if needed.
      • Works in tandem with the Project Manager to incorporate project-related content.
    • f) Media & Outreach Director:
      • Manages the club's external communications, including social media, newsletters, and public announcements.
      • One-year position, no term limit.
      • Builds relationships with other organizations, clubs, or media outlets to promote the club's events and achievements.
      • Coordinates email correspondence with invited speakers or experts.
      • Ensures the club's activities are accurately and well-publicized and reach the intended audience.
    • g) Creative Director:
      • Leads the design and branding efforts for the club, ensuring a consistent and appealing visual identity.
      • One-year position, no term limit.
      • Coordinates with the Media & Outreach Director for the design of promotional materials.
      • Provides creative input for events, workshops, and projects, ensuring they are engaging and impactful.
  • Section ii. Officer Qualifications
    • a) Must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
    • b) Must be a full-time student at Tufts University.
    • c) Must have been an active member of the club for at least one semester prior to running for a position.
    • d) Must be in good academic and disciplinary standing with the university.
    • e) Must demonstrate a commitment to the club's mission and objectives.
  • Section iii. Voting Procedures of Officers
    • a) Officer elections will be conducted in the cases that an officer’s term ends, they resign, or they are impeached.
    • b) Officer elections (for open positions) will be held at the end of each academic year.
    • c) All voting members, as defined in Article I, are eligible to cast a vote.
    • d) Nominations can be made by any voting member, including self-nominations.
    • e) Voting will be conducted by secret ballot.
    • f) The nominee with the most votes for each position will be elected. In case of a tie, the President holds the right to break the tie with an additional vote or call for a revote.
    • g) New officers will assume their roles at the beginning of the subsequent academic semester.

    Article IV. Election & Impeachment

  • Section i. Officer Election Process & Timeline
    • a) Nominations: All TAIS members eligible to run for office can either self-nominate or be nominated by fellow members. The nomination period will open four weeks prior to the election date and close two weeks before the election. Only roles that are open (via graduation, resignation, or completion of a term) will be available for election.
    • b) Election Date: Officer elections will be held annually during the last general meeting of the spring semester.
    • c) Announcements: The Media and Outreach director, will announce the opening of nominations, provide reminders, and give the final list of nominees one week prior to the election.
    • d) Transition Period: Elected officers will shadow current officers for the remaining duration of the spring semester and officially assume their roles at the start of the fall semester.
  • Section ii. Voting & Campaigning
    • a) Method of Voting: Voting will be conducted by secret ballot, either on paper or through a secure electronic system, as decided by the club's executive committee.
    • b) Voting Eligibility: All voting members of TAIS, as defined in Article I, are eligible to cast their vote.
    • c) Campaigning Restrictions:
      • Nominees can campaign two weeks prior to the election.
      • One-year position, no term limit.
      • No campaign materials, such as posters or electronic messages, may include derogatory or misleading content about other nominees.
      • Campaigning on the day of the election is limited to a verbal speech or presentation during the election meeting.
  • Section iii. Impeachment & Removal Procedures
    • a) Grounds for Impeachment: Officers can be impeached for neglect of duty, misconduct, violation of the TAIS constitution, or any action that goes against the club's mission and values.
    • b) Impeachment Proposal: A proposal for impeachment can be initiated by any club member, but it must be cosigned through signature by 10 voting members or three people in the executive committee . The proposal must be submitted in writing to the executive committee, clearly outlining the grounds for impeachment.
    • c) Review: Upon receiving an impeachment proposal, the executive committee (excluding the officer in question) will review the grounds and verify any evidence provided.
    • d) Voting: An impeachment vote will be held during a special general meeting or the next scheduled meeting. A two-thirds majority vote of present voting members is required to impeach an officer.
    • e) Vacancy: If an officer is impeached (or resigns/graduates prior to the completion of their term), a special election will be held to fill the vacancy, following the procedures outlined in Section 1. They will hold the position until the time of election.

    Article V. Meetings

  • Section i. Meeting Frequency
    • a) Regular Meetings: The TAIS shall conduct regular meetings at least bi-weekly during the academic year. The exact day and time will be determined at the start of each semester to accommodate members' schedules as much as possible.
    • b) Summer & Breaks: During summer and university breaks, meeting frequency may be adjusted as decided by the executive committee.
  • Section ii. Special & Emergency Meetings
    • a) Special or emergency meetings can be called by the President or upon request by a minimum of one-third of the active members.
    • b) Notice for such meetings, along with an agenda, must be provided to all members at least 24 hours in advance.
  • Section iii. Attendance Policy and Accountability
    • a) Regular attendance is crucial for the continuity and success of TAIS. Members are expected to attend at least 75% of the meetings each semester.
    • b) If a member cannot attend, they should inform the Media and Outreach Director or designated officer in advance.
    • c) Officers with more than two unexplained absences per semester may face review and potential removal from their position.
  • Section iv. Quorum
    • a) A quorum is necessary for any decision-making or voting process. For TAIS, a quorum will be defined as 50% + 1 of the active voting members.
    • b) If a quorum isn't met during a meeting, official decisions or votes will be postponed to the next meeting or until a quorum is present.
  • Section v. Voting Rules
    • a) Majority Vote: Unless otherwise specified, decisions will be made by a simple majority vote of present voting members.
    • b) 2/3 Vote: Decisions involving constitutional amendments, impeachment of officers, or dissolution of the club require a two-thirds majority vote of present voting members.
  • Section vi. Parliamentary Procedure
    • a) TAIS will follow Robert’s Rules of Order as its parliamentary authority for all matters not explicitly covered in the constitution.
    • b) The President, or a designated officer, will act as the parliamentarian to ensure that meetings run smoothly and adhere to the established procedures.

    Article VI. Committees

  • Section i. Definition, Processes & Membership of Committees
    • a) Standing Committees: These are permanent committees established to oversee ongoing tasks and areas of interest of TAIS. Examples may include:
      • Projects Committee: Focuses on research projects, AI advancements, and academic contributions.
      • Events Committee: Manages the planning and execution of club events, seminars, and workshops.
      • Membership Committee: Concentrates on member recruitment, engagement, and onboarding.
    • b) Ad-Hoc Committees: These are temporary committees formed for specific tasks or objectives that are not covered by the standing committees. Once their purpose is fulfilled, they are dissolved.
    • c) Committee Chairs: Each committee will have a chairperson, either elected by the club's members or appointed by the President. The chairperson is responsible for:
      • Leading the committee meetings.
      • Reporting committee progress and findings to the executive board.
      • Collaborating with other committees when necessary.
    • d) Meeting Processes:
      • Each committee should meet at a frequency suitable for its tasks, at least once a month.
      • Meeting agendas should be set in advance by the committee chair and shared with committee members.
      • Minutes of the committee meetings should be recorded and stored for transparency and future reference.
    • e) Membership:
      • All members of TAIS are eligible to join any committee based on their interest and expertise.
      • Members can be a part of multiple committees but should be cautious of overcommitting.
      • The size and member limit for each committee may vary, with details to be decided upon by the executive board and relevant committee chair.
    • f) Dissolution & Formation:
      • Ad-Hoc committees will be dissolved once their specific task or objective has been accomplished.
      • New committees, both standing and ad-hoc, can be proposed by any club member. The proposal will be reviewed by the executive board, and if approved, the committee will be formed following the guidelines set in this section.

    Article VII. Amendments & By-Laws

  • Section i. Proposal of Amendments
    • a) Any active, voting member of TAIS is eligible to propose an amendment to the constitution. This includes general members and officers.
  • Section ii. Submission & Presentation of Amendments
    • a) Proposals for amendments must be submitted in writing to the executive committee. The written proposal should clearly state the current wording (if modifying an existing section) and the proposed changes.
    • b) Once submitted, the proposing member will be given an opportunity to present and discuss the amendment during the next scheduled general meeting or a special meeting called for this purpose.
  • Section iii. Ratification Process for Amendments
    • a) For an amendment to be ratified, it must be presented and discussed at a general meeting where a quorum is present.
    • b) After discussion, a vote will be taken. A two-thirds majority vote of the present voting members is required for the amendment to be ratified and incorporated into the constitution.
  • Section iv. Use of By-Laws
    • a) By-laws are supplemental rules and guidelines that provide further detail and clarity to the constitution. They are used to handle the finer details of the club's operations that may not be covered in the main constitution.
    • b) Proposing, amending, or repealing by-laws can follow a similar process as amendments to the constitution. However, changes to by-laws typically require only a simple majority vote of present voting members during a meeting with a quorum.
    • c) All by-laws should remain consistent with the content and spirit of the constitution. In the event of any conflict between a by-law and the constitution, the constitution will take precedence.

    Article VIII. Adherence to College Policies

  • Section i. Adherence to College Rules, Regulations & Policies
    • a) TAIS recognizes and respects the authority of Tufts University. As such, all activities, events, and operations of the club shall adhere strictly to the rules, regulations, and policies set forth by the college/university. Any action or event not in compliance with college/university policies is not sanctioned or recognized by TAIS.
  • Section ii. Compliance with Local, State & Federal Laws
    • a) In addition to college/university regulations, TAIS commits to conducting all its activities in full compliance with local, state, and federal laws. Any club member found to be in violation of these laws during TAIS-related activities may face disciplinary actions by the club, in addition to any legal consequences.

    Article IX. Advisorship

  • Section i. Advisor Selection Process
    • a) Nominations: Any TAIS member can nominate a faculty or staff member from Tufts University to serve as a club advisor. Self-nominations from faculty or staff are also welcomed.
    • b) Eligibility: The prospective advisor should have expertise or a genuine interest in artificial intelligence or a related field, ensuring they can provide relevant guidance to TAIS.
    • c) Interview: The executive committee will meet with the nominated individuals to discuss their interest, availability, and potential contributions to TAIS.
    • d) Final Selection: The executive committee will propose a selected advisor candidate to the general membership. Approval will be based on a simple majority vote of present voting members during a meeting where a quorum is achieved.
    • e) Term Length: The advisor will serve for a term of two academic years, after which they can be re-nominated and re-selected.
  • Section ii. Role of the Advisor
    • a.) Guidance: The advisor provides guidance on club initiatives, projects, and events, lending their expertise and experience to TAIS's endeavors.
    • b) Liaison: The advisor acts as a bridge between TAIS and the college/university administration, facilitating communication and helping navigate institutional procedures.
    • c) Oversight: While the advisor does not participate in the club's internal voting processes, they monitor the club's activities to ensure they align with college/university policies and the club's constitution.
    • d) Mentorship: The advisor offers mentorship to club members, helping in their academic and professional growth within the realm of artificial intelligence.
    • e) Conflict Resolution: Should internal conflicts arise within TAIS, the advisor can act as a mediator, helping to resolve disputes in a constructive manner.